The right words get people to your website and keep them there to read about you and what you deliver. Quality authentic written material increase the effectiveness of your digital marketing.
I write for you and with you. I can also teach you how to frame your writing.
Exactly what I do depends on my clients and their needs, but some of the things that have my clients coming back for are:
- authentic, helpful blog posts
- brochures and ebooks
- nurture emails
- speed blogging sessions
- whitepapers
- sales page copywriting
- ghostwriting
Introductory packages
If you want words for your website that work, check out my introductory packages. If none of them work for you, then get in touch to discuss the copy you need.
Blog posts and content
People prefer to do business with people that they know, like and trust.
A library of quality, helpful, engaging content on your website in the form of blog posts and other written material is a powerful marketing tool.
Search engines love quality content that engages their users – and can spot plagiarism faster than ever before.
So the more useful, helpful, constructive, authentic content you collect on your website over time, the higher you will rank and the less you will need to spend on PPC advertising.
Speed blogging
In a single, 45-minute session I work with you to write a blog post (or two, or three). You talk, I type, you review, we add a stock image and then you publish.
Writing your blog turns into an enjoyable conversation – instead of a major hassle. It’s a two-person conversation, so it’s as much an ideas jam session as it is a writing gig.
Plus, having the structure of a regular speed blogging appointment with an ideas junkie ready to riff will tune you in to finding some great things to blog about.
Content mining
There’s a surprising amount of content inside most businesses – it just needs to be renovated into purposeful web copy.
I got hooked on the printed word in kindergarten and have been reading furiously ever since. I can dig through your existing marketing messages and talk to you about your favourite customers and best stories. Then we put together a list of topics and content pieces that you can develop.
If you’re in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs, I’ll come to you – especially if you offer coffee – otherwise we’ll work with Skype and email.
You get a collection of text pieces and blog post ideas to update to your website.
A non-fiction or business book is a great marketing tool and can even be a potential source of passive income – but where do you find the time and the structure to write it? If you think you’ve got a book in you, but it’s been on the “round tuit” list for more than a year, then talk to me about it. I can make it easy to turn your book idea into a reality.
Web page copywriting
I write your words for your website – words I collect from you through conversations with you. Backed up by research and integrated with your existing marketing material, I deliver words that will make your website more effective in attracting visitors and keeping them.
Message distillation
A lot of business people find writing about themselves and their work difficult. They’re great at what they do – but often they do it so automatically that they can’t easily put it into written words. They end up staring at a blank screen, or writing and rewriting the same words without feeling good about the results.
What they can do is tell their stories – and the value they deliver is embedded in their stories. So one package I offer is to distill your value into words. You talk and I listen – usually for an hour, sometimes 90 minutes. Then I go away and write down what I understand to be your core business value proposition.
All you’re up for is 3 billable hours – about what you’d pay for a pamper session at your local spa. (And if I’m SERIOUSLY off the mark, you get your money back.)
Other stuff
I’m all about helping you to produce words that will grow your business. If what you want is something authentic, unique and highly targeted, then get in touch today. I’ve done whitepapers, questionnaires and proposal letters as well as the usual forms of web content.