Not sure? Try a FREE content speed date!

My basic value proposition is “YOUR words for YOUR website – FAST!”
You talk about your goals and your business – I take what you tell me and turn it into high quality copy and content for your landing pages and content marketing.
How do you find out if this will work for you?
TRY BEFORE YOU BUY – let’s do a “content speed date”
Do a 15 minute online call with me, and I’ll write you a sample piece of 100-200 words. You experience the process and get a useful piece of content. I find out about you and your business. We both get to decide if we’re a good fit.
What sorts of things do I write?
I’ve done everything from blog posts to ghost-writing. Want to know what I write and what my style is? You can read samples from my copy portfolio and/or check out my blog.
What do I charge?
That’s a “how long is a piece of string” question. If you want to get a specific job done without blowing your marketing budget, check out my introductory packages.
What DON’T I do?
I don’t do piecemeal synthesis purely based on “other people’s stuff”.
I don’t do it because it won’t deliver real, long term value for your business.
Quality, SEO-friendly content will build your unique online presence, hero your customers and tell your special story. That’s what I write.