Desire, conversion and your website words

What do your best customers love about you?

What is it that they keep coming back for?

Do you know what creates the desire in them to keep doing business with you?

If you can put into words (and pictures) the emotional needs you fill as well as the practical needs you fill, then your website will turn more visitors into prospects.

That turns out to be difficult for a lot of my copy clients.  What do you mean – “desire”?  Don’t psychologists deal in “emotional needs”?  I do their bookkeeping / I sell them perfume / I help them find high-return renewable energy investments.

Fortunately, there’s an increasing library of information about humans and influencing.  One of the most accessible (once you get past the name) is the Myers Briggs Type Index.  Get a handle on it’s straight forward 4 temperaments and you’ll have an influencing advantage, whether you’re pitching to a new customer or helping your copywriter create amazing copy.

Download our introductory ebook here

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